There is nothing remotely festive, about receiving an invite for an NHS health check. I had never had one before – so why now? My name has appeared on the guest list, as I’m a member of the aged 40 – 74 elite. Well that’s sobering and a little shitting scary. It’s a 20 minute MOT. A doctor will go …
From 40 to Funeral in One Week
Well…the first week of my forties can kiss my ass! I am certain, there was a more mature sentence available but being ill on your birthday sucks, so ‘kiss my ass’ seems fair. My 48 hour cold, lasted the week and ended up with me calling NHS 111. I had a panic attack as I was convinced, I had an …
Worried for Nothing
I am now a card carrying member of the Forties club. My celebration was nothing fancy. Nothing to the current, required standards, expected by social media. It was chilled. It was fun. It was actually pretty great. It is unfinished… I was and am still very ill. I am also, too stubborn to quit, so on the day – …
Get Back in Your Own Life
‘Stop accepting people’s misunderstanding as your burden to correct. You keep your peace, & let them keep their ignorance’. – Derrick Jaxn “Get back in your own life!” The exact words said to me by a close friend this week. At present, I am protecting myself. Not putting myself out there to be criticised. Removing myself from social media and …
40 is the new 30. Anyone else, find that statement ridiculous? Before people jump on the positive thinking bandwagon, hear me out. When I turned 30, no one told me, that it was the new 20! Why? Because it wasn’t. No positive mental attitude, was going to make a 30 year old 20. In mind, body, spirit, experience and job …
Mummy Tribe
My toddler and I, had our first swimming lesson last week. I was so nervous, I couldn’t even eat. I felt fat. I was certain the other mums would be horrible. My kid would hate it and kick off and I would end up humiliated… We arrived. We stripped. We suited up. We waited. I looked like everyone else, to …
‘5 Steaks and an Eggplant’
I recalled this episode of Friends today. One, because I am a huge fan and two, because the content is so relatable – now more than before The characters were divided in this episode, by their individual salary. Monica, Ross and Chandler all had stable and well paid jobs. Joey, Phoebe and Rachel did not. They survived on low paying …
Enjoy Your Timeline
‘Getting your degree after 25, is still an achievement. Not being married at 30, but still happy is beautiful. Starting a family after 35, is still possible. Buying a house after 40, is still great. Don’t let anyone rush you with their timeline’ – Jay Shetty They say you learn something new everyday. I found out this week, that 2 …
You and I
Brother and sister Together we’ll make it through Someday a spirit will take you and guide you there I know you’ve been hurting but I’ve been waiting to be there for you And I’ll be there just helping you out Whenever I can That is the dream. The reality is somewhat different. My darling brother – I wish you …
Right Here
My dear Grandad passed away in May this year. I still miss the sound of his voice. I have to stop myself from asking Mum, “How’s Gramps?”. We used to talk about him most days. He would call her 4 times a day. Now we just have the silence. I miss him. I have wanted to go back many …