Overthinking is bad. Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness. 10 ways to stop overthinking and start living.. Ok, we all get the picture. Overthinking is the latest action, to be thrown under a bus, as a bad idea. A nifty buzzword used to lump everyone together and give them generic and impersonal advice, to fix non specific problems or …
First Words
Hearing my daughter’s first words, was truly wonderful. Her first word was “bye”, shortly followed by “Daddy” and “Mummy”. We are slowly expanding on her vocabulary and it’s a cuteness overload. All the anxiety that I had over her not speaking or even trying, has faded. The nervous thoughts of her first word being a profanity, are happily behind me. …
Netflix and Chill
The truly fabulous Game of Thrones series, has finally hit my household. I received the DVD box set for Christmas so I am all over that right now. Up until that point, my husband and I, would watch Netflix and Chill. I casually mentioned to a friend, that this is what we do. I’m no prude but I was very …
Stay at Home Mum
As a stay at home mum, I’m often asked, lots of questions about what I do and my future plans. It’s an odd conversation. I’m amazed by what people think. Here we go: So, are you eventually going to go back to work? (This question often comes with a constipated look of confusion, as to why I’m still at home). …
I’m here
I have had a very colourful medical past but have never experienced, the full gravitas, of the Ambulance. Unfortunately, since my daughter’s arrival, I have hopped aboard these fine vehicles twice. Last week my little girl was very poorly. Two GP visits, a 111 call and a 999 ambulance dash, pretty much summarised my week. My princess had a cold, …
Identity Crisis
In 1996 I took my first tentative steps on the career ladder. Clueless and without direction, I started working in an office. As an Office Junior in an Estate Agents, I got my first taste, of full time work. It was a day-release program so every Wednesday, I would attend college. It was scary and great at the same …
Best Friend
There are many definitions of a best friend: Someone whose friendship you value above all others The first person you call with good news or bad The first person you call to make plans The person you share everything with The friend who is practically part of your family Most people have one true best friend. These relationships are usually …
The Moisture Impasse
It’s common knowledge that once your baby starts nursery and/or pre-school, they will be subjected to germs. I saw this first hand during my nursery tours. They were all amazing facilities, with fully qualified staff, taking care of gorgeous babies and hilarious toddlers. I walked around each one with a single thought in my head ‘For the love of God …
Day One
For the first time in over two decades, I went to bed early on New Years Eve. No Big Ben Bongs or Jools Holland’s Hootenanny – I skipped it all. I watched the fireworks, the following morning on the news. I had zero hangover too. Not a single alcoholic drop had passed my lips all day. New Years Eve I …
The Christmas Overview
In short. Not that bad… My husband and I put our Christmas Tree up on the 23rd. Part laziness and part damage control. Nothing rips through an immaculately decorated lounge, quite like a toddler. Christmas Eve was surprisingly relaxed. My South African family put together a lovely festive soiree. There was the odd eye roll moment but all in all, …