Being a full time mum, to a toddler, is proving tough of late. My sassy baby girl, is fully embracing her 28 months and turning up her cheeky, to arsehole level! My daughter may be cute but when I shout at her – she just shouts right back! I was sssh’d by her this week! She will stare me down, …
Poolside Prep
A proud and equally terrifying moment is dawning. I am taking my little girl swimming. She has had terrible trouble, just having a bath so we have delayed, until we thought she could cope. Lesson is booked, we are ready to go…ish. My daughter needs reusable swim nappies, I didn’t even know they were a thing. Not a typical supermarket …
Missing Freddie
In 1991, Freddie Mercury passed away. He was only 45. He died on my birthday. I was 13 years old. One of my childhood friends loved Queen and it didn’t take long, for me to be hooked. Formed in 1970, they had a massive collection of hits, before I was even born. In July 1985, Queen took part in Live …
Budget Boredom
‘Your situation is not your destination’ I am clinging to this mantra quite a bit, at the moment. Reminding myself, that whatever this period of time is, it’s just a season in my life and it will pass. A plateau. A rut. Whatever you call it, I am neck-deep in it. I hate routine, always have done. The day to …
Starting Over
When I thought about writing a blog, it was to write for me. I wanted to get my thoughts and feelings, out of my head and onto the page. It was public, so anyone could find me but without advertising; I was hiding in plain sight. A few friends and strangers joined my party and off we went. My blog …
Bee Brave
In my mind, I am the daughter of a hippy. Live and let live. Laying on the grass, bare feet and wild hair. I am all those things – until a bee comes along. Then I become an instant nutcase. I hate bees, wasps, pretty much any flying insect – except butterflies. Any crawling insect – except ladybirds, out for …
Day Off
‘I figured I’d have, like, time alone with my thoughts, but, you know, it turns out I don’t have as many thoughts as you’d think.’- Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc – Friends) I have a day off! A day off! No plans, no daughter to look after, nothing. Nothing! I dropped my girl at Nursery and my much needed time out …
Universal Language
‘Universal language may refer to a hypothetical or historical language spoken and understood by all or most of the world’s population. In some contexts, it refers to a means of communication said to be understood by all living things, beings, and objects alike’. Mathematics is often viewed as a universal language. Regardless of culture or religion, the numerical results are …
Happy Feet
The normal routine of my morning is in full swing. I am packing my daughter’s bag. Nappies, spare clothes, drinks, snacks and toys and we are set. We are clear of the front door. It’s taken two hours and I’m sweating like an athlete at the Olympics but we are out. Let’s do this. I sometimes have a plan but …
Modern Family
This month, saw the tragic passing of my Aunty. She lived in Amsterdam with her husband, children and grandchildren. I met her a few times. She was my Dad’s favourite sister, he is heartbroken. My Aunt had just got back, from her dream holiday, in Rhodes and was back at work. After a two day conference, she took herself to …