How is September nearly over? The days are long but the weeks are so short. Our new post-lockdown routine is in full swing. My daughter is in school 5 mornings per week. Home work schedules, PE days and library book returns are firmly in the diary. We are old hands at this lark now but our first week was not …
Just the Beginning
One side effect of the long Summer holidays, is that after a while, you start to forget what day it is. Halloween costumes are in the shops but nothing prepared me for what I saw in my local store on the 31st August…Christmas decorations! Not just one or two items but aisles of the twinkly stuff. At the risk of …
Short and Sweet
The school run is very quiet at the moment due to Covid. Many year groups remain off. Those years that have returned are part time and all drop offs and pick ups are staggered for everyone’s safety My daughter returned to her school for the last 3 weeks of term and she really enjoyed reuniting with her friends as they …
The Bubble
It’s funny when a decision you don’t want to make gets made for you… It looks like my daughter will not be returning to Pre-School at all. The bubble is full. Now there’s a sentence I never thought I’d say! Her school is very small and can only allow a bubble of 15 children, to return during the current Covid …
My Babe
Ever heard the expression “Out of the mouths of babes?”. Often used when a child makes a somewhat brutal and honest comment. In their mind they have made a wise and frank observation. To an adult with well built boundaries, filters and manners – these observations can be hilarious, cringe-worthy and often rude. There is nothing quite like being insulted …
Teaching Mummy
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, all schools have been closed. The last 2 weeks, prior to the confirmed closure, were very tense. So much unease amongst parents. My daughters school closed on Friday 20th March. Every day I would second guess my decision to send her to school. Her education is important but her safety was all I could think …
Tough Circles
My Daughter attended her first birthday party this week. Her friend from Pre-School was turning 4 and wanted to do that very thing, in the company of her friends. It was adorable. My girl was so excited. Present in hand, we made our way to the venue. Yes, I said venue. Private room, catering, music, photos; all within the comfort …
September Start
This week my daughter started attending her Preschool, fifteen hours a week. Doesn’t sound like much but I really felt every single one of those hours. She attends two and a half days a week now. I braid her hair. Make sure that her polo shirt is the last thing she puts on; in an effort to avoid food, drink …
Disney on Repeat
My daughter loves being read to. At the moment, she enjoys books about princesses. From The Princess and the Wizard and The Princess and the Dragon, to the current crop of Disney legends – we are fully immersed. My girl was delighted to find out that Ariel, Belle, Jasmine and Rapunzel, were not just stories – They were movies too. …
Here and Now
I love my daughter’s new school. Their regular communications and updates are superb. Dates for your diary, themes of the week, signs being learned, awards presented, after school class info, useful tips for parents, on how to assist their child’s development from home. All in a beautifully illustrated weekly newsletter. I receive two emails per week plus email alerts, when …