Motherhood & Parenting

The Bubble

It’s funny when a decision you don’t want to make gets made for you…

It looks like my daughter will not be returning to Pre-School at all.  The bubble is full.  Now there’s a sentence I never thought I’d say!

Her school is very small and can only allow a bubble of 15 children, to return during the current Covid pandemic.  All those places have been taken.  I wouldn’t mind but this means she won’t finish Pre-School and will leave that year and indeed that school behind without saying goodbye.  It seems such an abrupt end to a beautiful part of her schooling.  When I think about their little graduation that just won’t happen – I can’t help but feel a little sad.

As it stands,  I have no idea when my daughter will go back to school.  Or how school life will be post Covid.

The school has been fantastic and they make weekly contact with parents via online learning portals.  Posting videos, pictures, story times, craft and learning activities for parents and their children to follow.  

I guess I always thought my girl would go back.   Even if it was just for a couple of weeks.  To play with her friends, to catch up with class and have a chance to finish her Preschool year and say goodbye.

As a parent it feels like she’s missing out but my daughter is happy and oblivious.  This may make it easier to transition to a new school; she probably feels she’s already left.

My home is full of paintings, craft and learning aids.  We have a permanent school station set up.  My daughter is doing brilliantly and I hope I’m doing enough to prepare her for Reception.  

I would love to be a fly on the wall in her new school though.  I can just imagine her new teacher’s face, when she walks off half way through a lesson, announcing that she needs to watch TV and have a rest.  Or “Can you finish that for me,  I have to check something”.  Toddler code for “I want to wander off and do naff all!”.

I know my girl will be great no matter when she goes back; July, September or beyond.  My chatty mini me will make this new start wonderful.

I’m so glad she has no idea about the madness in the world right now.  She is busy being little and having a childhood.  It’s times like this when I remember that I have the best job in the world. 

My house is full of fairy tales, imagination, magic and possibilities.  I want to hold on to that for her, as long as I can.  

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