Last week was a rude awakening. After six weeks of sleepy late mornings and late nights, the summer holidays are officially over. I loved every minute of it! The beach days, adventure playgrounds, play dates, sailing, animal feeding, wildlife parks, bowling, zip lines, swimming, fairgrounds and way too much ice cream; the summers when children are young are awesome! …
Two Dinners and a Text Message
Like a stone cast into a river, we are thrown into socialising as a child. The still waters of our home life are replaced by the expanding ripples of friends and classmates. These circles keep expanding, closer bonds are formed and life continues on this trajectory into adulthood. Relationships change and evolve. More friends are added as the workplace or …
Birthday Party
My beautiful daughter turned 6 years old last month. After much deliberation, the hubby and I decided that this was the year we were going to throw her a party. Not an intimate gathering at the house, with a select few, huddled round sandwiches and jammie dodgers but a real party. Venue, catering, the whole ball of wax! Our girl …
Awkward Conversations
Not sure what was more shocking, the fact that I still logged on to my 11am counselling slot, like a glutton for punishment; or that this time I was actually joined by my counsellor. “I was off sick, everyone should have been notified”. Well as touching as this shoulda coulda woulda was, I was still left hanging for a week …
The Sleepover
“Hi hon, what’s the chance of me staying over tomorrow night?” Blimey. Getting my mum to visit is like trying to secure an audience with Jennifer Lopez; imagine my surprise when her last visit extended to an overnight arrangement. It was great to see her. My daughter loved having her Nanny around for more than a quick lunch. We did …
Elsa and the Unicorns
My beautiful daughter turned 5 years old in June. She knew immediately that she wanted a unicorn themed party. As a ‘this girl can’ type of mum, I definitely assumed this would be a walk in the park. I was so confident. It then dawned on me that I had never planned a kids party before… ever. Her friends would …
Crash and Burn
“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore, before you decide to be happy.” – Nightbirde What a few weeks it has been. I would love to tell you that my diary has been full of engagements, parties and shopping trips but that hasn’t been the case. My brain has been very busy, constantly processing and perhaps over processing at …
Full Circle
This month we finally got a chance to have a couple of days away. To celebrate my Mum’s birthday, we headed to the coast to spend a couple of nights away in a caravan. Keeping strictly to the current Covid rule of 6, we jumped in our cars for a few days of normality at the beach. The sun shone …
Let there be Cake
In my corner of the world recently, things have been very busy. My mind has been grateful for the constant distraction. We celebrated Father’s Day, my daughters 4th birthday and my husband’s birthday; all in the space of three weeks. Shops being closed, travel still restricted and family not being allowed to visit, has meant that our celebrations were a …
Can’t Wait
Can’t wait to see you. Can’t wait to be with you Can’t wait to give you a hug. Can’t wait to celebrate your birthday with you. Can’t wait to have lunch together. Can’t wait… Time in lockdown is many things but mostly, it’s time away from family and friends. A coffee with mum, a liquid lunch with your …