Don’t forget you’re human. It’s okay to have a meltdown, just don’t unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where you are headed. Beautiful…but I did unpack and move in. I’ve been here for some time. People come but mostly go. I’ve cried, so many tears. Not sure where I am headed. There is no focus. …
No Way!
I find myself saying that out loud, several times a day at the moment. Full on Wayne’s World style! The film, Pretty Woman, is 28 years old! The original Care Bears Movie, is 33 years old. It’s been 31 years, since Lethal Weapon, graced our cinema screens. 21 years ago, we were watching, Liar Liar and being introduced to Buffy …
Get it checked
I was a nervous wreck during pregnancy. I worried and obsessed over every little detail. I got told one thing over and over by older and wiser Mums; ‘You think you’re worried now – wait til the child arrives, the worry never stops’ I heard this alot. Never really paid it any mind. I was more ‘oh whatever, yippity …
Chicken or the Egg
A situation in which it is impossible to say, which of two things existed first and which caused the other one. I have had to take a few days off due to illness recently. Completely off. There was no Hero here…I was fit for nothing. Literally zero. It was days of bed, hydration and medicine…that and Google. In my late …
A Mothers Love
This week we celebrated Mother’s Day, in all its splendor. Many sons and daughters, embracing, sharing and celebrating their Mums. Their best friend. Their confidante. With Spa days, theatre trips, shopping sprees, and afternoon teas in high demand. Social Media platforms, were awash with pictures, old and new. The 70s clothes and 80s perms were quite a sight. No matter …
So…I married an Android
My husband doesn’t have moods…he has settings. He is the father of my child, author of the Task List and powered by a beautiful mind. By beautiful mind, I’m not thinking about an individual, that has a clear and calm headspace. A person, who is in touch with their emotional and intellectual subject matter, in equal measure. By beautiful mind, …
Powering Through
There is nothing quite like an injury, sustained at the hands of my daughter. I have been kicked, punched, scratched, bitten and poked. Then there is the epic and rather brutal headbutt. As a proud wearer of spectacles, there is the added bonus, of my face furniture being embedded in my head. I am covered top to toe in little …
Bite Size Peer Pressure
Another lunchtime rolls around – that can only mean one thing. Another buffett style selection of food for my daughter, prepared lovingly, by my own fair hand. Although this gourmet feast hits the floor, in spectacular fashion most days, my enthusiasm is still there. I like her to feed herself, ideally trying as many new flavours and textures as possible. …
Good Innings
A delightful phrase that you often throw at a friend, or relative of someone, who has had a long and successful life. My Grandfather is 87 and currently in hospital. In truth, he has not been himself for many years. Last month he had a fall in his flat. The paramedics, that broke into his property to rescue him, advised …
Time Marches On
After a great deal of thought and a massive amount of denial, I decided to bite the bullet and arrange life insurance. Most people my age, already have this in place, alongside their mortgage. I’m still effectively, one step up from a student, living in rented accommodation with zero savings. I have some random pensions, from previous jobs, that are …