Motherhood & Parenting

The New Normal

My day actually started at 2.30am, with a dash downstairs to prepare a bottle for my daughter.  Shoveling biscuits into my mouth as I do this…classy.  After her nappy change, replacement dummy and sip or two of milk, she was finally asleep again.  I really miss that…sleep.  It’s a beautiful thing.  Never fully appreciated until it just ain’t an option anymore.  I have not slept through the night since May 2016.

I am relatively new to this baby gig and certainly not a natural.  I do find my old corporate self slipping more and more into Mummy Land though.

I now no longer flinch at my daughter’s bodily functions or secretions.  Will happily finish soggy biscuits, pre-treat the worst kind of stains and play countless hours of peekaboo while listening to nursery rhymes.  Give up pretty much every spare moment I have… yes that includes my precious bathroom time.  Anything for my beautiful angel.

This morning my shower was accompanied by my own personal rendition of the opening theme tune to Something Special.  Note to self – need to watch more BBC News and less Cbeebies.  I was on my 3rd cup of tea by 10am.  My WhatsApp chatter had begun in full force already.  It’s full steam ahead for the day.

My wheelie bin goes out more than I do but since having a baby, my digital chit-chat has increased massively.  My mummy friends, old work buddies and family all want to chew the fat on a daily basis.  For years I have been a personal agony aunt and I love that despite Motherhood changing everything, it hasn’t changed that.  

On a quiet day like today I break my time down into segments. It’s less intimidating that way.  It’s pretty soul-destroying when you confirm at 6am that you will not have an adult conversation or see another fellow tall person for the next 14 hours.  

A personal highlight of today was my straighteners dying on me.  This resulted in me mixing with the human race looking like Crystal Tipps.  Too warm for a hat and the thought of reaching for a scrunchie at my age is mortifying.  I will embrace the frizz.

So at present I’m a stay at home mum.  Missing work terribly (yep I said it).  Miss Independent has become a hand sanitising, grape cutting Mrs with a little cherub.  My daughter enjoys a full organic diet while I survive on a diet of caffeine and custard creams.

None of this is what I expected it to be.  But by now I should know to expect the unexpected.  


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