SS – Sighted Supporter VIP – Visually Impaired Person Sighted Supporter’s can take many forms. Mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, in-Laws, other family members, best friends, friends, neighbours, colleagues and care workers. Apologies if I have missed anyone. If you are a lucky VIP, you have a kick-ass network of people, that are pumped and ready to …
Tough Circles
My Daughter attended her first birthday party this week. Her friend from Pre-School was turning 4 and wanted to do that very thing, in the company of her friends. It was adorable. My girl was so excited. Present in hand, we made our way to the venue. Yes, I said venue. Private room, catering, music, photos; all within the comfort …
For Holly
November is with us again. As this is my birthday month; I tend to use this time to reflect. Last year I celebrated my milestone birthday. I received many cards for my 40th but one in particular, cemented itself into my heart. My Sister in Law wrote the following words in this card; ‘We pray the richest blessing on you …
Ray Bans and Root Canals
A beautiful autumn sunny day, my husband and daughter at my side; we saunter passed a frozen yoghurt store and decide to treat ourselves. I cannot remember what they ordered. I was far too busy with my own, chocolate brownie and vanilla fudge masterpiece. This desert was a thing of beauty. I imagined I looked as elegant, as those women, from …
Other People’s Opinions
‘Too many people are working hard on things they don’t love. To spend money they don’t have; On things they don’t need, to impress people they don’t like.’ I will let that fall where it lands. That quote, may be true for most of us, at one time or another. It’s definitely been true for me, more than once. Why? …
Hey Curly Girl
It’s me, Frizz. You there? After several conversations with my wonderful hairdresser; I decided to embark on the much raved about Curly Girl Method. I purchased the book by Lorraine Massey and began to educate myself. Underneath my heavily straightened hair, is a naturally wavy, poofy situation that resembles curls. When it’s humid or raining, my hair starts freestyling. Not …
The Impossible Perfect
‘Can you remember who you were, before the world told you, who you should be?’ – Danielle LaPorte. This quote really spoke to my heart this week. My immediate and rather sarcastic answer to that question was: Five. I was five years old. I had dreams. I sang. I danced. I believed in fairies. I was kind and carefree. I …
In the Genes
The 30th September has been a date burned into my soul for months. Its genetic test result day! As I get ready for the drive to the hospital, I am super relaxed. I have been focusing on mastering my own mind. Trying to control the spiral. Reading only positive books. Watching only positive media content. Looking to amazing individuals, such …
On the Buses
On the last day of August, I braved the buses. When I lived in London in 2013/2014, public transport, was the way most folk got around. Trains, tubes and buses, all the livelong day. I didn’t think anything of it. In London, many people don’t even own a car, let alone have access to one. Outside of the Capital, …
September Start
This week my daughter started attending her Preschool, fifteen hours a week. Doesn’t sound like much but I really felt every single one of those hours. She attends two and a half days a week now. I braid her hair. Make sure that her polo shirt is the last thing she puts on; in an effort to avoid food, drink …