Happy New Year all! I hope it has started well for you and any resolutions you have made, are still firmly in place. Usually around this time, I would be falling off whatever wagon I decided to jump on. I didn’t make any resolutions this year. However, I was moved by this advice over the festive period: ‘Evaluate what you …
Time for Bublé
Yes it’s that time of year again. Advent calendars out, tree up, decorations and twinkly lights aplenty. Gifts and card shopping in full swing and the stress and excitement levels are steadily rising. I love it! I really do. Is there the odd pang of sadness? A small moment, when my breath catches, at a festive memory from the …
Back to Church
Back in September, I was flipping through a local magazine and I turned to the listing of local events. Aware, upset and still rather depressed, about no longer being able to drive; I paused on these pages for longer than ever before. Could I find somewhere on my doorstep that was new and different? Something for my daughter and/or me …
Out Out
As a stay-at-home-mummy, I may get a chance to pop to a local cafe, grab a quick lunch with a friend or shuffle around to my neighbours house; for a natter wearing something elasticated. Last weekend, however, I got to go out out! Yesssssssss! A girlfriend from London came to visit. We booked a hotel, got dressed up, had dinner …
For Holly
November is with us again. As this is my birthday month; I tend to use this time to reflect. Last year I celebrated my milestone birthday. I received many cards for my 40th but one in particular, cemented itself into my heart. My Sister in Law wrote the following words in this card; ‘We pray the richest blessing on you …
In the Genes
The 30th September has been a date burned into my soul for months. Its genetic test result day! As I get ready for the drive to the hospital, I am super relaxed. I have been focusing on mastering my own mind. Trying to control the spiral. Reading only positive books. Watching only positive media content. Looking to amazing individuals, such …
On the Buses
On the last day of August, I braved the buses. When I lived in London in 2013/2014, public transport, was the way most folk got around. Trains, tubes and buses, all the livelong day. I didn’t think anything of it. In London, many people don’t even own a car, let alone have access to one. Outside of the Capital, …
Oh, my life. Is changing every day. In every possible way. And oh, my dreams. It’s never quite as it seems. Never quite as it seems. I know I’ve felt like this before. But now I’m feeling it even more. Because it came from you. Then I open up and see. The person falling here is me. A different way …
Birthday Week
It’s so lovely to have some family time together. My husband has just had a week off, to celebrate his and our daughters birthdays, that are one week apart. The weather was gorgeous and we crammed lots of activities into our small break. We went trampolining, had picnics and walks in a country park, went to two different seasides, ate …
Keeping Up Appearances
The magnificent art of pretending everything is good, when in reality, it really isn’t. Had my ability tested in this area last week. My rather dysfunctional family got together to…well I’m not really sure. My Mum and Dad, have a very close relationship, with my cousins in Amsterdam. They bonded last year, after the sudden death of my Aunty. They …