My daughter is the most beautiful child ever created. I guess I would say that but she sure is cute.
Through her, I see a whole different world. People wave at her. Smile and laugh with her. Compliment her. Even scary looking people, that have not cracked a smile since 1995, break out their pearly whites in appreciation. Clothing stores, coffee shops, even doctors surgeries – my girl knows how to work a room. I am so very proud that she is mine
I love that babies in general, have no filter or agenda, they are just in the moment. They can frown, glare and blow raspberries, at total strangers because they feel like it. They can leave a high-five hanging with zero consideration. Show obvious disdain to a fellow human just because…
I have never walk passed a kid throwing a tantrum without briefly thinking… I feel your pain little one. Let’s face it. We would all like to lose it on occasion. The rude cashier, the stroppy receptionist, the people who leave it til the last-minute to apply their brake at a traffic light! “You see the Baby on Board sticker TwatFace! Drive with some care and consideration!”. The Coupon collector that holds up an entire queue of people, because she can save herself 50p on washing tablets, if only she can find the bloody thing – get it together woman! The people that watch you struggle, with your buggy, as they nonchalantly sit blocking all the walkways. As grown ups, we just have to resort to an eye roll and maybe, if you are feeling brave, a nice loud tut. A tantrum in your 30s would not be considered couth.
On the flip side, I have met some truly wonderful strangers, that see me alone with my baby and are only too happy to assist. Opening doors, moving chairs, helping me weave my huge buggy around the tiniest of spaces. There are good people out there. It always helps to have a smiley baby waving at them to encourage their good mood. Whatever it is that make strangers do nice things, my girl has it. Long may it continue. I never experienced this, as a child, much less an adult. I know my daughter will never see the world that I have. For this, I will be forever thankful. I am loving all the positive attention she receives. She makes me smile everyday.
I had a very different childhood. No one smiled or engaged with me. People tend to avoid it even now. I am used to it and have reached a certain level of acceptance about it. The loneliness and heartache that I have and continue to experience, melts away in the presence of my daughters sunshine smile.
I always knew that I was treated differently and since having my daughter, I have seen first hand, that this is indeed a very true statement. There are no negatives here though. For one, all those who told me that it was all in my head, were wrong. What woman doesn’t like find out she was right! Most importantly, my prayers for my baby were answered. All parents want the best for their children. All parents want their children to have a better start then they did or to struggle less. Year one and I have already achieved this. So from here, I will continue to love and support my daughter. Encourage her to dream big and follow her heart and passion, wherever it takes her.
As a child, all I wanted was a normal life. Through my daughters eyes, I see that normal life. It’s a beautiful view from here.