I have been to several weight loss clubs in my time. It’s always nerve wracking to join but once through the doors; you are met with a sea of smiles. No judgement. Just all walks of life, on the same journey to lose weight. For health, for confidence, for an upcoming social event or after a baby – no matter the reason or how far away the goal weight; we are all in this together.
It’s a bit happy-clappy in parts. There are definitely, a few eye-roll moments per session. Lots of laughs, brilliant stories and experiences shared in each class. On the whole, it’s great fun.
I have thrown myself into it. Got my welcome pack, monthly magazine and I’ve even downloaded the app! I can track my progress on line and get ‘on the go’ advice when shopping or eating out. If you ever wanted to know, if a cheeky portion of Angel Delight is ok; the answer is no.
It’s a basic principle diet. No measuring or calorie counting, just simple rules to follow. It is tough though – It’s a whole new way of preparing and eating meals. Lots of fruit and vegetables, lean meats and carbs if you want them. However, say goodbye to pre packed snacks, jars and start cooking from scratch. Watch your milk and bread intake. Everything from alcohol, cereal bars and malt loaf, to garlic bread, tea cakes and cappuccinos; all have heavy penalties on this diet. Foods you don’t even think about and probably consume lots of, will hinder your progress. I am having to think differently. Think fat free and focus and enjoy the foods, that have no limitations. Learn to love and go nuts for fruit, vegetables, meats and carbs.
The first week was tough and kind of embarrassing. Sitting alongside women, that happily lost half a stone in a week. I shuffled in gaining 1lb! Great start!
Once I found my stride, my first month came to a close, with me being 5lb lighter. My clothes fit so much better already. I have changed my diet quite a bit but the diet has not changed me…
I still can’t clap with enthusiasm, for the 20th time, at someone maintaining their weight. I can’t get excited about overnight oats and fat free yogurt. Raffles, awards and chatter about the Burger in a Bowl phenomenon, can be a little twee. What the hell is Quark?? I had to Google it!
I’ve tried a few recipes, thrown out my jars and have a fully functioning spice rack. Last week, I laughed so much during class, I felt like a teenager again. I am actually really enjoying it. My snacking needs a little finesse. Other people are preparing delicacies, with a drizzle of something sophisticated. I’m munching my way through a packet of sandwich ham! It’s a process!
The weigh day is a tricky one. Whether I have had a good week or bad; I make sure that my weigh day is on point. No junk food, stay on the wagon, eat light, weigh before dinner and do not wear jeans! Every little helps! These poor girls, that come on in out of the cold, in a skimpy vest top and shorts, to achieve the best possible result – I totally get it. After my cheeky wine and cheesecake at weekend, I’m going to have to get on those scales butt naked! Nobody wants to see that!