We are in full swing for the autumn term. The summer holidays are a distant memory and I am now doing what I do best, making lists. Endless lists.
Lists of children’s parties, locations, times and present ideas. Lists of important school dates, trips, panto’s and this year’s Harvest Festival. Christmas lists, yes I’m that mum that has already started their Christmas shopping. I like to enjoy the festive season. I want to be relaxed, knowing everything is sorted, wrapping presents with a glass of wine nearby and Michael Bublé crooning through my speakers. I like to be chilled and almost smug come Christmas Eve, not stressed and sweaty and still flapping around Argos like an hysterical pigeon!
The summer holidays were great. I was so nervous at the start. Most parents are familiar with the angst that precedes those delicious 6 weeks of freedom. How will I keep my child occupied? How will I afford this trip? That day out? How many play dates shall I arrange? Despite the intrepidation, we managed a very successful summer holiday with 2 birthday parties in the mix too.
Cut to an exciting September start with a Superhero dress up day, meet the teacher meetings, after school clubs back in action and the most random request to date:
“Can you send your child into school on Monday with a jacket potato?”.
Er ok sure, as long as whatever they make with it, doesn’t come home!!
This brings me to a small but significant phobia of mine. Potatoes. I don’t buy them. I only eat certain types of them and cannot bear the thought of them in the house. When I was small, my mum would buy them by the sack. Peeling potatoes was part of the learning to cook gig growing up. I went into the pantry and saw a new sack of potatoes but also saw an open sack behind. Being a diligent kid, I decided to use the oldest first. I really regret that. I innocently put my hand in the bag and freaked out. These potatoes were old, covered in sprouting roots and looked so gross. I screamed. I cried. 30 years on, I’m still a massive, obsessive, spud-phobic.
Anyway… back to the busy school schedule.
It’s full on but I’m grateful. My brain has a tendency to go dark very easily since my RP diagnosis so I’m happy to keep it busy.
Mondays are usually the most stressful, we must not forget the previous week’s homework to be handed in, PE kits in time for Wednesday and library books to be returned.
First school trip is this Wednesday. Art work for their Christmas cards has been completed and we have already joined the virtual group to place orders for these masterpieces. Clothing donations were due last week. Harvest Festival food donations are due this week. Parents evening slots booked for next month as well as their annual flu vaccinations…
It’s a lot, I can’t lie. Four birthday party invites on the fridge already for November and one save the date card for December. I’ve never known a social life quite like it.
There have been a few tears this half term. My daughter and her friends are only 5 years old and a new classroom, new teacher and a more structured curriculum; has been quite an adjustment for them. Half term is quickly approaching though. I’m not sure who is looking forward to the break more, the children or the parents!
I personally can’t wait for half term. I love having my little mini me around everyday. There will be a time when spending time with dear old mum will be a drag but right now, I drink in her excitement to be with me. Her eyes light up when she knows we are having a girls day together. This time is precious and I’m making the most of it. Roll on half term. 4 days to go!