Thursday 5th November saw the start of Lockdown 2.0. Back indoors we go.
Coronavirus cases and the subsequent heartbreaking deaths, are on the increase once again and a short sharp pause in our way of life, was deemed the only way to stop it reaching the catastrophic state the disease achieved last time.
I guess this time around we all knew the drill. There wasn’t the mass panic buying from before and because all the schools, colleges and universities are open this time, large swathes of us felt minimal change.
I miss my little mini me. Home schooling was challenging but she was great company. The days flew by with school work and activities and then there was the all important sunshine. Everything just seems better, when the warm summer sun streams through the windows. Afternoons spent in the garden; ice creams and bike rides definitely helped me get through the first lockdown.
This new, albeit shorter, period of home appreciation is difficult. It’s autumn. It’s grey and dreary outside. My husband is at work. My baby girl is at school. I close the front door, having completed the school run and check the time. 8:50am…now what?
Our decorating is almost done. Our house is immaculate. Washing is up to date. My mind starts to panic. I have all this time, I need to fill it with something! I’m too tightly wound to go back to bed for a nap or just veg out in front of the TV. I just can’t watch Homes Under the Hammer or whatever such tripe is happening on the box during the day!
I miss my car! There I’ve said it. I miss it so much. The miles I would have driven. The places I would have gone to and parked up, to just watch life go by. I could have driven to the beach, walked along the coast. I never felt alone in my car. At the moment, no one can visit me and I can’t visit anyone else. What’s the time?…9.05am.
Seriously! A month of this!
I’ve started walking. I’ve heard people talk about doing 10,000 steps a day. Maybe I can do that.
It’s estimated that 10,000 steps is 5 miles. I walked to my local park, then onto the next park further away, then to the local shops before I circled back home. That day’s effort was 1.5 miles.
The following day I walked into town and back. This was a grand achievement of 2.5 miles. How am I going to reach 5 miles every day, with nowhere to really go and no one to join me or visit with when I get there?
My younger brother easily knocks out the miles. As an experienced runner, with all the appropriate attire, he drives himself to different country parks and locations and gives it all he’s got. He usually runs alone and just gets it done. So why am I the needy pathetic mess, that needs a partner and a point, before I start clocking up the miles?
I have a playlist I listen to. A fairly decent pair of trainers. I have zero sportswear but I think if I poured my rather gooey self, into some leggings at this point in my life, I would just look like a midlife crisis that was trying too hard. The trendy and rather loud activewear, that all the ladies are wearing today; would just look rather naff emblazoned across my arse, as I shuffled down the road trying not to look too knackered!
Just over two weeks to go before the country is reopened. I’m hoping by the time that happens, the looming season of festive cheer will give me a little more pep in my step!
Determined to stay positive in this lockdown, here is a track from my walking playlist. Play it loud!
Mary J Blige – Just Fine