There is nothing remotely festive, about receiving an invite for an NHS health check. I had never had one before – so why now?
My name has appeared on the guest list, as I’m a member of the aged 40 – 74 elite. Well that’s sobering and a little shitting scary.
It’s a 20 minute MOT. A doctor will go through my medical history, take my blood pressure, record my height and weight etc. Results of my fasting blood test, that took place this week, will be given to me. They will input all this data into their system, which will help them, put together a personalised plan of action for me. It will also advise of my risk of Cardiovascular disease.
On that note, I sprinted for the car park!
The NHS are taking action against preventable health problems. Diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke and dementia are top of their agenda. Everyone taking part in this assessment, will find out what their cholesterol is up to. They will be advised how to stay healthy. On the face of it, this is great news. We all need to look after ourselves. We only get one body, it’s a gift.
Going from discussions about birth control and smear tests, to cardiovascular disease and dementia though, is a lot for my brain to take in.
I’m all grown up and looks like the NHS has caught up with me. My check up is in January. 2019 will be starting with a medical once-over. There is a huge chance, I have another 40 years on this planet. No time for a mid-life crisis, I will be having a mid-life service.
Will keep you posted…