In the final stage of my late 30s, I am trying to roll with the changes. Nature has been kind. I don’t have much grey. I’m in reasonable shape. I still look young. I even got asked for ID, at my local supermarket last month! I will revel in that little ego-boost for a while.
The days of sleeping in my makeup and occasionally, showing my face, a wet wipe are over. I need to take my skincare more seriously. I just don’t bounce back like I used too, after a rough night. As a parent of a 2 year old, there are a considerable number of rough nights! Time to take on the commitment of the cleanse, tone and moisturise, full time!
Simple in theory, minefield in practice. First there is the overwhelming choice of products and brands available to you. Then there are the countless reviews, blogs and articles, rating each of these items on mass. If you do manage to whittle down your choices, to a brand or a small selection of budget-friendly potions; you will be ready to face the next hurdle.
The skincare routine of Cleanse, Tone and Moisturise has had an upgrade. It now looks more like this:
- First Cleanse
- Second Cleanse
- Tone
- Serum
- Eye Cream
- Moisturiser
- Oil
- SPF cream
Double cleansing involves using a cleanser to remove surface make up and oil. Then using a second product to deep cleanse your skin.
Toner is the classic pore prep. Serums are a thinner and more concentrated elixir, packed full of skin loving ingredients. Moisturiser for every occasion. Oil to add further moisture and set all previous layers. SPF must be applied last, for maximum protection, from the sun and environmental yuck.
Now you can start your makeup routine. Primers help prepare your skin for makeup. They create an excellent base to build on and ensure your makeup stays the course…
Are you exhausted yet?
I know you have to make time for yourself. Self love. Self care. But damn…I’m a little pressed for time and all this seems bloody ridiculous.
I have not even touched on Retinol creams (Vitamin A to help with fine lines and wrinkles). Exfoliators (to sluff off dead skin, to reveal the smooth surface below). Masks (for everything, weekly, monthly, whatever your pleasure).
Then there are the acids. Yeah I said acid:
- Hyaluronic Acid – to help plump and hydrate skin
- Glycolic Acid – to help exfoliation and treat lines and wrinkles
- Salicylic Acid – to help with acne and blemishes
If you want to step it up further, Spa treatments are the way forward. Some folk, indulge in a few procedures a month, to keep everything tip top. Lasers, peels, fillers, threading, tinting and microblading.
So where do I rank in the scheme of things? Somewhere between exhausted peasant and hopeless student. I dont have the balls to approach one of those beauty counters. Can’t imagine their response, if I approached them, with my skincare conundrum.
“I have 20 quid and 5 minutes a day for all this crap…what can ya do?”.
Growing up in the 80s, my Mum made it look so easy. Back then things were easy. The height of sophistication, was when she treated herself, to some Ponds Cold cream or Astral. For special occasions, she would break out the pink pot – back then it was called Oil of Ulay. The rest of the family had a soap and a flannel…to share.
The communal flannel is a little grim on reflection but it was simple. I kinda miss that.